25 thoughts on “The launch of the 180m Lürssen superyacht Azzam – The World’s Largest Yacht

  1. Кира Муратова

    Отпадные новинки, “Поймай толстуху, если сможешь (2013)” “Гадкий я 2 (2013)” “Транс (2013)” и многое другое – vkinobaze.ru

  2. Aaron Nielsen

    very nice ! look forward to seeing the next largest yacht. Im sure its in the works somewhere !

  3. 123789s1

    Just imagine, four years it took for this day to come, poor guy had to embarrass himself riding around in some dinghy…

  4. Michael Keehn

    I guess corruption does pay off in the short run.

    Who do you think buys this type of stuff and where do they get there money.

    I smell a rat with a floating nest.

  5. Bullerias

    If you’re going to build the world’s largest yacht at least make it beautiful. This is not beautiful, it’s almost cookie-cutter design

  6. Boli420

    Fortunately, wealth isn’t gained by simply “working hard”, otherwise we’d all be out in the backyard breaking rocks with a sledgehammer and raking in the cash… It’s gained by providing something of value to people who are willing to pay for it.

  7. brian poole

    FYI, these owners didnt work hard for their money..Just because your born in a oil rich country doesnt mean you worked hard for your money. and its amazing how the people in the former Soviet Union still have to wait months for shoes and wait in line for food and the the soldiers havent been paid for months at a time, but Abramovich can afford not one but two mega yachts. yea what a country..

  8. Beffa de boffer

    discusting, children are starving in Afrika, better spend your money there. It will get you closer to the Allmighty

  9. RoLik JasS

    пожалуйста, не покупайте такие яъты, лучше дайте денег нищим и бомжам…они тоже люди….они не виноваты что у них такая жизнь….если поможете одному, один человек будет молиться за вас…. это жизнь….рано или поздно все умрут…. умрем как люди с душой ангела…

  10. Daniel Olsen

    sorry but I think that the UAE are balling way harder then the USA. Considering that the USA are owned by the chinese and a has a debt at around 15 trillion

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